At 1:17 p.m. a student was found to be in possession of a nicotine vaping device at school.
At 4:22 p.m. the Wisconsin Department of Corrections issued a warrant for a female. An officer went to the female’s residence to arrest her. The female drove past the residence and another officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the woman. The woman led officers on a pursuit which concluded when she went down a dead-end road. The woman was further found to be intoxicated. She was arrested for the warrant, fleeing an officer, and operating while intoxicated (5th offense).
At 6:15 p.m. a caller reported finding a deer dead on his property and suspected someone had poached the doe. The injury to the deer appeared to be from an arrow, and a blood trail revealed the deer had come from the county where bow hunting is legal.
At 6:05 a.m. a convenience store reported a female had taken a bottle of vodka from an employee and began drinking it in the store before vomiting upon herself. The woman was arrested for disorderly conduct, retail theft, and obstructing an officer after she provided the officer a false identification. The woman was believed to be under the influence of drugs.
At 8:58 a.m. a student was found to be using a nicotine vaping device at school.
At 2:42 p.m. a caller reported an ongoing problem with a neighbor allowing her dog to defecate in her yard and not cleaning it up. The owner of the dog has been warned in the past to clean up her dog’s waste. She was cited for failure to clean up animal feces.
At 9:08 p.m. a store reported a female had stolen merchandise from the store. The woman was cited for retail theft.
At 10:59 a.m. the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Probation and Parole requested assistance from Officers in taking a male subject into custody. The male subject was taken into custody on a probation hold and transported to the jail.
At 6:38 p.m. a caller reported a female he allowed to stay with him a few days was refusing to leave. The female agreed to leave.