The Lincoln County Humane Society would like to thank everyone who donated in honor of a loved one in February:
In honor of Phyllis Frederick by Cindee Kufahl, Janet Beyer, Marlene Mielke, Linda Weege, Jack and Kathy Frederick, Peggy and Bob Bauman, Vernette and Louis Heuser, John and Mary Ostertag, Diane Storm; Jeff Moore by Jo and Bill Kolar; Emily Pfingston by Ingrid Erickson; Louise Fox by Dan and Hilda Ericksen; Jeffrey Francin by Maryellen Paudler, Kevin and Susan Schulz; Carol Gille Pester by Darin and Kati Gille, Gay Baumann, Judith Elliott, Ingrid Erickson, Bruce and Barbara Laatsch; Everette L. Spiegel Sr by Ingrid Erickson; Helen Hoglund by William and Nanette Young; Armand Krueger by Gerald and Dawn Schmidt; and Pearl Sabatke by Todd and Angelia Johnson.
Your support is greatly appreciated!