Students learn about government operations, politics, and who represents them in the State Assembly
State Representative Calvin Callahan recently attended a couple of Ms. Novitch’s fifth grade social studies classes at Prairie River Middle School. Students were operating a mock government of their own, with their teacher acting as the president. Rep. Callahan was invited to speak with the classes and give his perspective on their process.
“Folks often ask me what I enjoy about my job,” Rep. Callahan said. “This is easily my favorite part. Visiting with students, whether in the classroom or when they take a fieldtrip down to the State Capitol, and having the opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences with the next generation can be so impactful.”
Rep. Callahan explained to the students what the job of a state representative is and how he works for them. He discussed how he worked hard to be where he is today, and that one day, they could do what he is doing now if they wanted to and worked hard also.
“Being in Ms. Novitch’s class was a fantastic experience. When I was young, Governor Jim Doyle visited our school, and it was an experience I will never forget,” he said. “In my opinion, if I were to sit in their class and explain to them how the government works and how a bill becomes a law, they and I would share that experience in the same way I did. I hope they would remember my being there and it would possibly inspire them to get involved in government later in life. This is why being your Representative is such an honorable experience–moments like these and being with the futue of our community.”
“I do my best to leave the students with a memorable experience,” Rep. Callahan said. “The students were great, and I appreciate Ms. Novitch for inviting me to come talk to the kids. I look forward to doing this again some time.”
Rep. Calvahan represents the 35th Assembly District which includes all of Lincoln and Langlade Counties, as well as portions of Marathon, Oconto, Oneida, and Shawano Counties.