Movie Reviews


2000 Mules (Now showing in theatres) Rating: To Be Determined
This film is Unrated.

2000 Mules is a documentary by Dinesh D’Souza whose rightward political bend is undeniable. This documentary chronicles the investigation by True the Vote, a self-proclaimed non-partisan group, (although that is contested by those that disagree with them) into the irregularities in the 2020 Election.
Giving them some credence as non-partisan, they are the group that helped overturn the election of a Republican Mark Harris in North Carolina due to issues with mail-in ballots.

The documentary 2000 Mules does what a good documentary should do – it presents questions and provides information. I personally never take these types of documentaries as Gospel truth when they are presented by a filmmaker that has an obvious political leaning, such as Dinesh D’Souza and/or Michael Moore.

BUT this does raise some interesting questions about the 2020 Election, and let’s be honest, everyone knows there was some seriously funky stuff surrounding that election – from state electors changing laws without state approval to the weirdness that was election night, and the battleground states stopping counting all at once, and a host of other oddness – strange stuff indeed.

Performing my due diligence, I read the counterpoint articles attempting to debunk 2000 Mules and some made good points, but not good enough to stop my questioning of that election.

True The Vote used GPS data from cell phones to track some individuals as they made their way to multiple remote voting drop boxes. The counter articles I read attempted to debunk the validity of this data by saying it did not prove they actually went to those boxes, and that is true, but the question that hangs out there is: Why would a person be out driving through multiple counties at 3:00 a.m. and then just happen to come into close proximity to a dozen drop boxes?

Then there is the video footage: 27 states allow ballot harvesting, where a person can drop off a family member’s ballot; 23 do not, and to cast a vote for another in those 23 states, is a felony.

There is security footage of multiple people committing that felony presented in this film, and no article I read even attempted to debunk that.

I understand that we have become tribal in our beliefs, and that’s sad, but step away from the tribe and start asking questions, because there are questions – whether you like it or not – about that election.
By now I have a clear vision of my ever-suffering editor, Tina – who already struggles weekly due to my disassociation with spell check – just leaning back in her chair holding this review in her hands saying, “Great, he just irked half my readers.” Sorry, Tina.

I did not rate this one, because I want to leave that up to you dear readers to make up your own minds, but I beseech you to ask the questions and seek the answers. It’s important.

A story goes that Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, “Doctor, what have we got ? A republic or a monarchy?”
To which Franklin responded “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

That question, to this day, still remains.

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