Great Lakes topic at November Live Sustainable meeting

Live Sustainable, Lincoln County invites you to take part in the Go Big Read discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. at Room 156 in the Lincoln County Service Center. The book for 2018-19 is “The Death and Life of the Great Lakes” by Dan Egan, published in 2017. All are welcome to attend and you do not have to be a member of Live Sustainable.
Go Big Read, now in its tenth year at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a common book program established to engage the community in a shared reading experience. Author Dan Egan, a senior water policy fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, covered the Great Lakes for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for a decade and used his experiences for the basis of the book.

This book focuses on the imperiled Great Lakes. The book gives an account of the history of the lakes, the threats facing them today and the ways citizens can work to preserve lake health. As we face our own issues of water quality and invasive species here in the Northwoods, the book is both a cautionary tale and a call to action.

During an interview with PBS Newshour, Dan Eagan stated, “I’d just like people to have basic Great Lakes literacy — where the lakes came from, how they function today, the damages they suffered historically and the potential to reach a new era where there is a greater ecological balance out there. There is nothing on the planet like these five connected lakes that collectively have some 10,000 miles of shoreline — more than the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.”
Please read the book ahead of the November program to get the most out of the discussion. There are several copies available through the T.B. Scott Library. The book can also be downloaded on your tablet through Amazon. However if you don’t have time to read the book, facilitator Tom Jerow, retired DNR expert, will summarize the key points and also facilitate the discussion and Q and A time.

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