Halloween safety tricks for safe treats

The designated hours for trick-or-treating in the city of Merrill will be from 2-5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 31.

Residents that welcome children to stop at their house for trick-or-treating are encouraged to turn on a porch light or other outside light to indicate to the trick-or-treaters and escorting adults that they are welcome.

As children take to the streets on Halloween to trick-or-treat, their risk of being injured by motorists increases greatly. The excitement of trick-or-treating can lead to being less cautious and sometimes forgetful of some of the basic rules of safety. Here are some tips or tricks to keep young ones safe as they search for treats:


Slow down while driving in residential neighborhoods and obey all traffic signs and signals.

Watch for children walking on roadways or next to streets and crossing streets.


Ensure an adult or older responsible youth is available to supervise children under 12.

Plan and discuss the route your trick-or-treaters will follow.

Teach children to stop only at lighted houses and never enter a stranger’s home or garage.

Tell children not to eat any treats until they get home.


Be bright at night- wear reflective material on costumes and carry reflective or bright buckets or bags to improve visibility to motorists and others.

Avoid wearing masks that obstruct vision and costumes that might cause tripping of feet.

Stay on sidewalks whenever possible, and when it is necessary to walk on the street, walk on the left side facing traffic.

Cross streets only at the corner and never cross between parked vehicles in mid-block.

Trick-or-treat in a group or with an older trusted adult.

Tell your parents where you will be going.

For more information contact the Merrill Police Department by calling 715-536-8311 or email [email protected].

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