Students visited the different booths and displays to learn more about the law, the history of our laws, careers in law enforcement, and more. They were challenged to complete a Law Fair worksheet by moving around the room to ask questions to get the answers to the questions on the worksheet from Law Fair participants. Tina L. Scott photo.
The Merrill Noon Optimist Club organized and hosted its eighth Law Fair at Prairie River Middle School (PRMS) in Merrill on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. The program was part of Respect for Law Week. The last such program was held in 2018, and this is the first Law Fair to be held again at PRMS since the COVID pandemic. Approximately 400 seventh and eighth grade students attended during two afternoon sessions that brought together representatives from all aspects of the law to interact directly with middle school students. Prior to the interactive part of the program, students heard from keynote speaker and Merrill High School graduate, retired Lincoln County Circuit Judge Jay Tlusty, who gave a broad overview of the federal, state, and local legal systems. From the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Merrill Police Department and Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office to representatives from the offices of our elected representatives, the Crimestoppers program representatives to judges, and many more, students were able to move about the field house where they could explore, look at vehicles and exhibits, and speak with representatives from each agency, asking questions and learning more about what each agency does and what a career in that agency might entail. Students also received an Optimist Law Fair Questionnaire worksheet to complete by interacting with all the various agencies. They needed to visit each exhibit or booth to talk with representatives there to learn the answers to the questions that would give them an even better understanding of some aspects of the law. Students could then turn in their completed questionnaires for a chance to win in a giveaway.
Students around the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources exhibit/booth. Tina L. Scott photo.
Tina L. Scott photo.
McGruff the Crime Dog at the PRMS Law Fair. Tina L. Scott photo.
Tina L. Scott photo.
Tina L. Scott photo.
Students talk with Officer Josh McCaskill to learn more about Merrill Police Department K9 Dasty. Tina L. Scott photo.
Lincoln County Sheriff Ken Schneider and deputies answer questions and show students gear used in the line of duty in their work at the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office. Tina L. Scott photo.
An officer from the Wisconsin State Patrol talks with students.Tina L. Scott photo.
Students ask questions at the FBI exhibit. Tina L. Scott photo.
The Wisconsin State Patrol was also present at the PRMS Law Fair, complete with one of their vehicles. Tina L. Scott photo.
A deputy from the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office answer questions as students investigate the interior of a squad car. Tina L. Scott photo.
PRMS students check out the interior of a Lincoln County Sheriff's Office squad car and the instruments inside. Tina L. Scott photo.
McGruff the Crime Dog wanders about in the field house during the 2023 PRMS Law Fair. Tina L. Scott photo.
Girls stop to ask questions at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources table so they can complete their questionnaires. Tina L. Scott photo.
Students are clustered around the Merrill Police Department exhibit speaking with Officer Matt Waid who is also a Merrill High School graduate. Tina L. Scott photo.
Students talk with a staff person from the office of one or our elected representatives. Tina L. Scott photo.
Students gather around the booth for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to learn more about that agency. Tina L. Scott photo.
K9 Dasty and Merrill Police Department Officer Josh McCaskill, his handler, were at the Law Fair. Tina L. Scott photo.
PRMS students were excited to check out the inside of a Lincoln County Sheriff's Office squad car. Tina L. Scott photo.
A representative from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was on hand to answer questions about all the different law enforcement careers available as part of the FBI. Tina L. Scott photo.
McGruff the Crime Dog and Crimestoppers were around to remind everyone to "Take a Bite out of Crime" and stay out of jail! Tina L. Scott photo.
Students visited the different booths and displays to learn more about the law, the history of our laws, careers in law enforcement, and more. They were challenged to complete a Law Fair worksheet by moving around the room to ask questions to get the answers to the questions on the worksheet from Law Fair participants. Tina L. Scott photo.
Reitred Lincoln County Judge Jay Tlusty was the keynote speaker for students, explaining the way the legal and judicial system works, at a high level, for students to develop a broad understanding. Tina L. Scott photo.
Students started their Law Fair experience in the auditorium where they learned about the federal, state, and local legal systems. Representatives from many area law enforcement and legal offices and agencies were present (on stage) and then moved to the field house to answer students' questions and talk more about what they each do and how they fit into the legal system. Tina L. Scott photo.
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