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MHS to hold BoE candidates forum


A forum featuring the candidates for Merrill Area Public Schools Board of Education will be held at Merrill High School on Wednesday, March 23.

The forum, which will be moderated by Art Lersch of Lincoln County UW-Extension, will give candidates a chance to answer questions from the public and explain their viewpoints on different issues. Doors will open to public at 6 p.m., and the forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium.

"This event will be an excellent opportunity for members of the community to listen to the different ideas and passions held by our local school board candidates," said Sally Schmidt, Speech-Language Pathologist for the district. "We look forward to an open discussion with all of the individuals who wish to serve on the board."

Prior to the event, candidates will be given the opportunity to prepare written responses to a series of questions, which will be distributed to the public as they arrive. The format of the forum will include brief introductions by each candidate and an opportunity to expand on their written responses. There will also be a question and answer portion where candidates can respond directly to questions from the public.

The candidate forum is hosted by the Merrill Teachers Association, the Merrill Educational Support Personnel Association and Merrill Custodial Employees Local 332. The high school is located at 1201 N. Sales St. in Merrill.

For more information, community members are invited to contact Sally Schmidt at 715-536-2392, ext. 1341.


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