The Merrill 12U Baseball Team is racking up the wins against area teams in recent tournaments.
Front L to R: Shaban Kiskoski, Parker Simon, Colton VanLieshout, and Cam Neuman. Back L to R: Coach Paul Timm, Oliver Kahr, Aiden Adams, Cameron Thom, Taylor Timm, Ben Schmeltzer, Coach Tom Schmeltzer with Bailey, and Coach John VanLieshout. Missing from photo: Jack Seliger.
Front L to R: Teddy Kalinowski, Shaban Kiskoski, Parker Simon, Colton VanLieshout, and Jackson Seliger. Middle L to R: Aiden Adams, Oliver Kahr, Ben Schmeltzer, Cameron Thom, and Taylor Timm. Back L to R: Coach Timm, Coach VanLieshout, Coach Schmeltzer, and Coach Simon.
Front L to R: Oliver Kahr, Shaban Kiskoski, Parker Simon, Teddy Kalinowski, and Jack Seliger. Middle L to R: Aiden Adams, Cam Thom, Taylor Timm, Ben Schmeltzer, and Colton VanLieshout. Back L to R: Coach Timm, Coach VanLieshout, Coach Schmeltzer, and Coach Simon.
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