Jennifer L. Lee, 32, Tomahawk, OWI 2nd, $1152 fine, 20 days jail, 14 mos drivers license revocation, AODA.
Shawn T. McDougall, 25, Merrill, DC, $250 fine.
John E. Baldridge Jr., 56, Gleason, possess drug paraphernalia, $250 fine.
Christina M. Anglin, 19, Merrill, hit & run, $300 fine, 6 mos drivers license suspension.
Alex M. Jurovic, 24, Sun Prairie, possess marijuana, $250 fine, 6 mos drivers license suspension.
Victor M. Gregory, 28, Merrill, criminal trespass to dwelling, $100 fine, 30 days jail.
Amanda M. Grubb, 23, Tomahawk, possess marijuana, $100 fine.
Chad W. Johnson, 29, Presque Isle, OWi 5th, 3 yrs probation, $600 fine, no alcohol/taverns, AODA, 36 mos drivers license revocation, 1 yr jail; resisting/obstructing an officer, 2 yrs probation, 60 days jail.
Jessie M. Nordstrom, 27, Rothschild, DC, 12 mos probation, $100 fine.
Tracey L. Dittmar, 38, Merrill, possess marijuana, $250 fine, 6 mos drivers license suspension.
Jason R. Dorava, 33, Merrill, CDTP, $100 fine.
Steven L. Wilmot, 50, Tomahawk, OWI 2nd, $1152 fine, 10 days jail, AODA, 14 mos drivers license revocation.
Thomas E. Mahn, 54, Merrill, DC, $100 fine.
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