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Letters to the Editor, 4-10-13 edition



•Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor:

Thank you to the residents of District 6 who supported me during the April 2 election! I would especially like to thank those who signed my nomination papers, let me put signs in their yards, put election decals on their vehicles, offered such supporting words of encouragement and, of course, voted for me. I enjoyed meeting more of my fellow residents in the different parts of the district as I went door-to-door with my flyers and the subsequent conversations I had. Even though I lost by 5 votes (!), I do not feel too disheartened as the whole process was a learning and rewarding experience for me. As I indicated to Dave in my post-election phone conversation with him, I wish him well as he starts his next term as District 6 alderperson. Thanks again!

Mary Ball



I would like to take a minute and thank ALL stakeholders in the Merrill Area Public School District for the support given me over the past 6 years.

Based on my experience and observations I want to encourage each and every one of you to make it a goal to attend and observe what goes on at a MAPS board meeting from time to time. It is particularily important when big issues are on the agenda.

My observations over the 6 years I served has been few if any folks attend meetings to just watch and listen. Only when a really big issue pops up does the meeting room get filled up and much noise is made about their feelings. Seldom do they have all the facts that are presented to the Board for making their final decisions. There are times when some of the facts cannot by law be shared with the public. At times they attend one meeting about the issue and when a majority decision goes against their wishes a lot of noise is made without full knowledge of how the decision came to what it turned out to be.

If you feel strongly about an issue ask people in the know, rather than someone at the barbershop, cafe at breakfast, or bar having a beer. People with agendas cause more anguish and discontent than necessary. Usually they only speak with partial knowledge of the real issue.

Over my 6 years on the MAPS Board there were many decisions made, some big some small. It became apparent to me at times black is black and white is white, but then it also is gray!! I can say without reservation, I would not today change a single vote made on any issue.

It has been my honor to serve the MAPS District as a Board Member the last 6 years. Thanks to ALL who supported me over that time. I am confident that the fellows who were elected April 2nd to serve the next 3 years will do a GREAT JOB for us. Let's support them with a good knowledge of what the issues are and help them accomplish what is needed for the District to succeed!

Thanks for the support and for your time.


Chuck Bolder



I did not win the election, but I feel like I won the race. I was able to spend three years in service to the Merrill School District, and my Alma Mater. Last year, I was honored to give the speech at the MHS Graduation on the actual anniversary date of my own graduation from Merrill High School, which was very special.

Personally, I learned a lot in my career-field of Education as a Board Member. I realized how important it is for the community to respect and appreciate what the Board does, as it is a very big challenge and very time-consuming for each of the nine individuals who are on the School Board. You don't have to agree, but trying to understand and being respectful to them, is very important, and they deserve it.

Change is good! My favorite saying is: "Nothing ever changes … IF… Nothing ever changes." We have elections to keep the Board fresh and focused. This is a good solid Board going forward with three new professional members, and things will move ahead. Our new Superintendent, Mr. Wally Leipart, will take charge soon, moving his family to Merrill. They, too will need your support, and a big "MERRILL WELCOME"!

I am lucky to have served my Hometown, Merrill. I am a very happy and grateful person, today!!!

Thank you all VERY much for that opportunity and experience.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lin Kautza


Letter to the Editor:

Thank you Merrill area residents for electing me to your Board of Education. I will work hard to be a strong, independent voice on the Board for all Merrill area residents. I look forward to working with the two other new Board members, Jeff Verdoorn and Nubs Ashbeck, as well as the 6 remaining board members to move our school district forward. As a community, we should also thank outgoing board members Lin Kautza, Chuck Bolder, and Meredith Prebig for their years of hard work and service to our school district. No matter who each of us supported in the election, we must now work together to move our school district forward for the benefit of every child and community member in the Merrill area. Thank you once again for the faith you have placed in me by electing me to your Board of Education.

John Shull

Pine River

Dear Editor,

I most likely am wasting my time. A letter written by this person uses so many words to say nothing. I don't often read the letters anymore, but this time I see all this RTWFL print. It's written like a needle in a hay stack would write.

Many foreign news stations are controlled by the state government and look what happened when cell phones and internet came into use. People want knowledge of what is happening. Yes, people have been told not to listen to the Fox News network. I thank God for the freedom I still have. By the way, we're told our President Obama watches Fox. There are two sides to every issue.

The letter written about the "climate monster" concern; the answers are found in the Bible. So I enjoy the goodness the Creator has given to all people by His own infinite wisdom.

Marie Skic

Town of Maine

Dear Editor:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the voters and citizens of the Sixth District for their support on April 2. I will continue to address your concerns and answer any questions you may have. I enjoy being your representative on the City of Merrill Common Council.

Thank you,

David Sukow

6th District Alderman

To the Merrill School District voters:

I wish to express my gratitude for your vote for my position on the Merrill School Board.

A BIG thank you goes out to those who helped with the signs and flyers.

I look forward to serving the community and working with Administration in continuing the provide quality education through the difficult financial times facing us.


Nubs Ashbeck


To the residents of Pine River:

I would like to thank you for your support.

We had a very good voter turnout. I am proud to live in a township that is involved in Pine River and the community.

As your previous and current supervisor, I will continue to be dedicated to the tax payers.

My past experience is a good asset for you, along with any additional education opportunities, should they arise.

Thanks again,

Larry Langbecker

Pine River Supervisor


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