Thursday, February 6, 2025

Letters to the Editor

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Merrill Foto News, its publishers, Editor, or staff.

Correction: In her Letter to the Editor published in the Dec. 23, 2021, edition of the Foto News, Gail Westberg of Merrill listed the date of the tornado as Oct. 29. That was an error. She meant to say the tornado occurred on July 29, 2021.

To the Editor:

I am writing a thank you and Happy New Year to the County and City Crew for cleaning the snow and roads in Lincoln County and City of Merrill. Also Tomahawk crew.

I appreciate you having to leave your family over the holidays and taking care of the citizens.

- Darlene Weirich

Merrill, Wis.

To the Editor:

I write about a power struggle. Yes, a power struggle between those who WANT growth for Merrill and those that do NOT. Currently our City Council is split—half voting against growth and necessary investment, and the other half voting for. Mayor Woellner is the tie-breaker on the side of growth and change, but will NOT be running for office again. Under the old system, NO growth or positive changes occurred in Merrill. Property taxes increased while the City did nothing to increase the tax base. Buildings deteriorated and blight accumulated. Roads were not fixed, historic buildings razed, and no new amenities were created. The City made no investments and no TID/TIF programs were established to increase financial growth. Think about who was in power back then. Merrill stagnated for 50 years before current Administrator Johnson and Mayor Bialecki came to office in 2011.

These past 10 years, Merrill has undergone a revitalization and MANY positive changes and growth have occurred. This is a fact. Do we really want to return our City to a slow decline? Let’s support those who have been responsible for positive growth; Administrator Johnson, City officials, Bialecki for Mayor, Aldermen Vanlieshout, Russell, Weix, and Blake. Other current Aldermen vote against positive growth, change, and necessary spending, as their records clearly show. Merrill IS on the right track, but it takes time to correct the mistakes of the past. Let’s NOT return to the dark times for the sake of us all.

- Heather O’Neill

Town of Harding, Wis.

To the Editor:

Congratulations, Bill Heideman, for your years of service. Bill leaving is a tragic loss for the citizens of this community. Bill is a great public servant and a great man, as well. He’s a valuable asset to the community. I wish him a prosperous and happy future.

I voted for Donald Trump. I would evaluate myself as a person with an above average education. I attended Indiana University, classes from University of Wisconsin, Villanova, and hours of training/education from General Motors. My business partner, Dr. Charles Krueger(UW/Stout), and I traveled across this country teaching the Principles of Leadership and alternatives to the Scientific Principles of Management. Charlie’s father gave his life while protecting this community as a Merrill Police Officer. I also served in the United States Marine Corps. Many of my brothers lost their lives defending the principles of democracy and freedom. I and millions of others have worked hard to be contributors to our democracy in honor of those who died so we might live and reap the benefits of this great country.

I am tired of these prima donnas who sit behind their sanctuaries and refer to us as “deplorables” or “buffoons.”

I would offer those who think we are “deplorables” or “buffoons,” to leave their protected sanctuaries and share with me their logic. I, in return, will share what I learned while serving in the Marines.

The process for ridding ourselves of these temporary prima donnas is to vote for new representatives in the April elections.

- Mike Closser

Merrill, Wis.

To the Editor:

Trinity Open Hearts Food Pantry was started in 2003. We subsist mainly on contributions from our church members and other local churches, and some businesses. We have received some grants over the years and do receive produce from a local chain. Fill The Gazebo is our main drive in Merrill; a drive such as this helps to keep our shelves full with multiple items. Every dollar we receive goes directly into the help of others. We are totally a volunteer organization and all donations stay in our pantry.

We help to fill a family’s nutritional needs, but like to be able to add things such as cake mixes, cookies and paper goods.

Trinity is a smaller and friendly food pantry. We want people to know that if they are struggling with daily needs to know that our pantry is here to help you. Your religious affiliation does not matter. Our hours are: Wednesdays from 2PM to 4PM and Fridays from 10AM to 12PM. We are located in the basement of Trinity Church at 107 N. State St. This is the corner of State and West Main Streets.

As our mission statement states: “To emulate the life of Jesus Christ by reaching out in love to those in our church and community who are in need. To offer assistance to them, to the best of our abilities. To encourage others to join us in sharing God’s love.”

- Respectfully submitted,

Michele Moyer

Trinity Food Pantry, Merrill, Wis.


*Letters must be 250 words or less (There will be no exceptions to this. Any letter longer than 250 words will not be printed.)

*All letters must include full name, address and phone number of the composer. Phone numbers and addresses will not be published, but will be used for verification purposes, if necessary.

*Letters will be published at the discretion of the Editor. While letters on most any topic will be published, any letters deemed derogatory, inflammatory, slanderous, or involving vulgar language, will not be published.

*Letters will be published on a “first come, first served” basis. Any letters which we are unable to publish in the printed newspaper will be run online at and may be printed in the paper at a later date if possible.


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