To the Editor:
I applaud small guys fighting the giants and their monopoly. If we lose our local newspapers, we lose an important building block in the foundation of our republic.
Regarding Mr. Gilk’s viewpoint on the meaning of sanctuary. He is correct on the religious aspect of the word. However, another meaning of sanctuary is immunity, such as in Sanctuary Cities that don’t recognize the Federal Law regarding immigration. Ms. Felzkowski and Mr. Callahan were attempting to make Wisconsin immune from a Federal government that wants to disarm its citizens. I applaud their efforts and hope they don’t give up. There will always be those who choose to use guns for weapons of violence. We have a sanctuary for them. It’s called prison.
The attack on our capitol is under investigation. There are questions as to why the capitol police were letting protesters in and what group they belonged to. I am concerned with our cities being looted, burned, people injured and killed in the name of social justice. I see no justice in this. To me it’s criminal. You have the wrong side of the aisle trying to ban free speech. How do you support a party that allows for the termination of the innocent among us with late term abortion, even letting the baby die after birth. Mr. Curtis, before you cast stones, you might want to ensure you aren’t living in a glass house.
- Kittie Crossen
Gleason, Wis.
To the Editor:
Congratulations to all that make the Foto News what it is today. My wife and I look forward to reading the Foto News for more than the obits. The articles are diverse, interesting, and non political. As Walter Cronkite once said, “Our job is only to hold up the mirror to tell and show the public what has happened.” We feel you have accomplished that.
Special thanks to Tina Scott for her photography and variety of articles, Patrick J. Woods for his insight on human nature, and Christopher Stamm for his movie reviews.
Thank you and God Bless,
- Buzz & Marge Fehrmann
Merrill, Wis.
To the Editor:
On May 5, 2021, my husband and I attended a press conference regarding BadgerCare expansion, held at Normal Park in Merrill. Citizen Action of Wisconsin held the event in response to some Joint Finance Committee members’ announcement that they would remove that item from the state budget.
While neither my husband nor I depend on that health care coverage, we were concerned that the Republican state legislature would once again give up much needed federal funding as they did in 2014 ($1.5 billion) and for the next two years ($1.6 billion), along with the $300 million per year thereafter. The expansion includes $100 million in aids annually to hospitals serving BadgerCare participants.
BadgerCare expansion would cover an additional 90,000 WORKING Wisconsinites with a high quality, affordable health coverage option. A no-brainer one would think.
In spite of the logic of that budget item, and the fact that most of the professional and everyday citizens commenting at an earlier budget hearing in Rhinelander expressed support for the expansion, state Senator Mary Felzkowski made her anti-vote clear on the matter.
What state Senator Mary Felzkowski neglects to mention is the fact that her Tomahawk business sells multiple insurance coverages, including coverage for health care. If not an actual conflict of interest, it certainly demonstrates a bias for private, for-profit carriers.
- Diana C. Smith
Tomahawk, Wis.
To The Editor;
I am writing in regards to the “Covid Corner” article published April 29th. I would like to remind readers that the quotes by Alex Braskeywerepersonal opinion, and NOT facts based on medical data. Braskey is a clinical nutritionist, and not a Doctor or Scientist. Her degree does NOT give her the expertise to judge the dangers or effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines. To me,the second half of that article should have been published as an editorial.
I would like to provide the following, based on recognized health organization data, WHO, CDC, and John Hopkins statistics:
• Global Covid-19 deaths; 3.2 million
• Global Covid-19 vaccine doses given; 1.2 billion
• U.S deaths from Covid-19; 576,239
• U.S. Covid-19 cases; 32.4 million
• U.S. persons fully vaccinated; 101.5 million
• U.S. persons who have received the first vaccine dose; 240 million
• U.S. Pfizer vaccine doses given; 127.1 million
• U.S. Moderna vaccine doses given; 104.6 million
• U.S.J & J Janssen vaccine doses given; 8.2 million
I am saddened by ANY vaccine-related illness or deaths, but we must be able to research problems and not accept opinions as facts, which creates misinformation. Many millions of people worldwide have been fully vaccinated without complications. I have been vaccinated, but with medical data and advice, you should make the decision for yourself.
- Heather O’Neill
Merrill Wis.
To the Editor:
We subscribe to the Foto News to remain informed of events in our hometown. The April 29th issue had an interesting article about the New Way garbage truck purchased by the City of Merrill. The article recited all of its features but said it was made in Scranton, Penn. Actually New Way is produced and distributed world-wide by a family-owned business in Scranton, Iowa (population 558). We are proud to have this manufacturer in our county.
Very truly yours,
- Michael F. Mumma
Jefferson, Iowa
Editor’s Note: I reached out to the Merrill Street Department, and Superintendent Dustin Bonack confirmed that the plant is in Iowa and not Pennsylvania. He apologized for the error.
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