Wow, I am impressed! Seven candidates have announced intentions to run for the school board.
It is awesome to see community members step up to the plate and volunteer themselves for our schools. I would also like everyone to know that if they ever have any questions about decisions that I have personally made as a school board member, I can always be contacted via phone, or better yet, come to a board meeting and we can talk before or after!
And, sometimes the viewpoints in the letters to the editor mention "facts" about our schools that are just not true- I would like to remind everyone that you can always call Central Office of Merrill Area Public Schools at715-536-4581 to find out the real facts. The staff at the central office will be able to put you in contact with the right person who will get you accurate answers to your questions about our schools! Once again thank you for your time and go Bluejays.
Brad Kanitz
Dear Editor,
I want to make a correction to last week's "Why Did He Do It?" letter to the editor. The writer's name should have been John Beachy instead of J. Luke Martin. I submitted it in the interest of the Gleason Mennonite Church. I have received much commendation for the writing, which I have forwarded to John Beachy of Thorp, WI. He wasn't interested in having his name published. Yet I considered it of value to a wider audience.
Thank you,
J. Luke Martin
Gleason Mennonite Church
Dear Editor:
Thanks for sharing the Gleason Mennonite Church's good letter about the recent tragic shootings and many other interesting facts.
I believe that almost all of us agree that more gun control laws are not the answer to stop the violence here in America.
Guns and gun ownership are not the problem - criminals will always have access to their weapon of choice. It is true that "you cannot legislate morality," but each of us could spend a few minutes each day, praying that God would heal our beloved country.
Lois Wendorf
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