Monday, January 13, 2025




Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before YOUR SUBMISSION OF ANY PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION. Your visit to our websites is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Websites' Terms and Conditions of Use.

Privacy Policy for Journal Community Publishing Group, Inc.

Effective Date: 01/08/2009


What are "Your California Privacy Rights"?

What types of Personal Information do we collect?

How do we actively collect and use Personal Information?

How do we passively collect and use Personal Information through tracking technology?

Do we collect Personal Information from or about children?

Do we share your Personal Information with third parties?

What choices do you have about the collection, use and sharing of your Personal Information?

What do you need to know about links to other websites operated by third parties?

How can you access or update your Personal Information?

What security measures do we take to safeguard your Personal Information?

How will you know if we make changes to this Privacy Policy?

How can you contact us?

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before YOUR SUBMISSION OF ANY PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION. Your visit to our website is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Website Terms and Conditions of Use.

This is the official Privacy Policy for Journal Community Publishing Group, Inc. ("JCPG" or "Company") the publisher of the Buyers Guide Group and various other newspapers and publications (Complete Listing Here). JCPG is a subsidiary of Journal Communications, Inc. ("JCI") and is the owner and operator of the various websites ("Sites") ("Owner and Operator"). This Privacy Policy governs our collection of personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") both online and off-line.

We hope to provide you with news, information, and entertainment tailored to your individual needs but we also recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of your Personal Information. This Privacy Policy is designed to answer your questions regarding our online and offline information practices and the choices you can make about the way your Personal Information is collected, used and disclosed. This Privacy Policy is also incorporated in the Sites's Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement by reference.

Each time you visit our Sites, use our online features and services, or participate in an event or activity offline, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, processing and management of Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time, subject to certain legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us using the information below.

What are "Your California Privacy Rights"?

Under California law, California residents who have an established business relationship with us may choose to opt-out to our sharing Personal Information about them to either JCI or other JCI subsidiaries (collectively, "JCI Affiliates"), or to opt-in to sharing Personal Information with non-affiliated third parties for marketing purposes. If you wish to opt-out sharing your Personal Information with JCI Affiliates or to withdraw your opt-in consent to share with non-affiliated entities, please send your written request to us using the email address below and marking your request "Re: Your California Privacy Rights". Your opt-out request will be processed within ten (10) business days of the date it is received in accordance with the information below. Please note that non-affiliated third parties are independent from our Company and if you wish to stop all communications from such third parties, you will need to address such issues with the non-affiliated third parties directly.

What types of Personal Information do we collect about you?

We ask you to provide various types of Personal Information to enhance your experience on our Sites. The more information you provide, the better we are able to customize your experience. The types of Personal Information our Sites may collect include your full name, postal address, email address, telephone number (wireline or mobile), fax number, birth date, gender, occupation, household income, purchasing preferences, personal interest activities, bank/debit/credit card information, username and password for the Sites, and other Personal Information that you actively provide to us via our Sites, email, or offline via telephone, facsimile, postal mail, or in-person.

How do we actively collect and use Personal Information?

Generally, we actively collect Personal Information from you when you complete online forms or otherwise affirmatively and voluntarily provide such information to us. Our Sites collects information in different ways, including but not limited to when you participate in sweepstakes, contests, games, promotional offers, and surveys; subscribe to our online services or features, such as news, weather and traffic alerts; register for our newsletters, other publications and loyalty clubs; download podcasts; purchase products or services through our shopping service; communicate with us via email; or apply for employment with us.

We use your Personal Information in many ways, including but not limited to when we deliver email, facsimile and other direct marketing communications to you regarding special product offers, sales, promotions, or other information about our or our affiliates or our Advertisers, sponsors, and promotional partners (collectively, "Advertisers") products and services, provided that you have given us your consent at the time we collect your Personal Information; administer sweepstakes, contests, games or other promotional programs or activities and notify winners of such programs or activities; provide you with valuable online services, such as news, weather and traffic alerts; respond to your questions or provide other requested information; notify you of important changes in the functionality of our Sites or other notices related to the handling of your Personal Information; and evaluate your qualifications for employment.

Your Personal Information will be collected and used for the following features, services and activities:

Publication Subscriptions, Merchandise and Online Service Center

To subscribe to or renew a subscription to any of our newspapers and other publications (Hyperlink in Blue -- (Will Insert Hyperlink to all publications on a central landing page) online or via telephone, fax, postcard and/or in person at various locations, we will collect your first and last name, company name (if applicable), delivery and billing address, email address, telephone number and credit card account or check payment information. We may also ask for non-Personal Information that will be linked to or associated with your account such as your favorite feature or other JCPG publications you may read or subscribe to.

You may manage your subscription account or purchase merchandise and special offers via the Online Service Center. We do not retain your payment information when you purchase merchandise or special offers; you must resubmit your credit card information to make additional purchases. For subscriptions, you may use the secured online monthly EZPay service to make credit card payments. For EZPay, your credit card account number is retained but encrypted for future transactions. We also provide other auto pay services that provide for extended payments and these auto pay services are also encrypted and accessible using the last four digits of your account number.

Classified Advertising

Companies and individuals may place classified ads in various Journal publications via online, postal mail or courier, in person and/or telephone. We will collect your name, name of the business entity placing the ad (if any), email address, telephone number, billing address, and credit card account or check payment information. Upon entry of your credit card number into our secured system, whether the number is collected offline or online, the credit card account number is encrypted and retained until your account is cancelled and deleted. For your convenience, if you have an active account and wish to renew or extend your advertising schedule, or purchase new ads, only authorized personnel has access to your payment information from a past transaction by using the last four digits of your credit card account number.

General Advertising

For entities that purchase display advertising or other commercial advertising and marketing opportunities, we will collect your name, name of the business entity placing the ad (if any), email address, telephone number, billing address, and credit card account or check payment information. Upon entry of your credit card number into our secured system, whether the number is collected online or offline, the credit card account number is encrypted and retained until your account is cancelled and deleted. For your convenience, if you have an active account and wish to renew or extend your advertising schedule, or purchase new ads, authorized personnel only has access to your payment information from a past transaction by using the last four digits of your credit card account number.

JCPG Interactive Network

You must register with the JCPG Interactive Network via our internet websites in order to participate in our interactive areas, such as blogs, chat rooms and bulletin boards. You are required to submit the following Personal Information: full name, sign-in name (which is visible to others), and email address. Optional information may include, but is not limited to your interests, year of birth, gender, martial status, household income range, and owner or renter status. As a member of JCPG Interactive Network, you may sign-up for email newsletters on various topics and be eligible for member-only activities, contests and sweepstakes.

List Server

As a subscriber to the JCPG Interactive Network or our newspapers and other publications you have an option to join our List Server service, which provides special E-mail offers from the JCPG Interactive Network on behalf of our newspapers and other publications or select advertisers. You must opt in to List Server by checking a click box as part of your registration on our Sites or subscription and are required to submit your full name and email address. You may opt-out of the List Server any time using the unsubscribe mechanism that is contained in each e-mail.

User Generated Content (UGC)

Users of our Sites may submit news tips, story suggestions, audio, video, photographs, animation and other content for various features on the Sites or for offline purposes such as a resource for our newspapers and entertainment publications. Depending on the nature of the UGC, you may be required to complete a registration process, which may require the submission of your name, email address, telephone number, city, state and zip code. Our news editors, at their discretion, may contact a user for additional information related to the user and/or the user's content.

Specialized Features

We offer several specialized features such as automotive and sports related websites, often in conjunction with JCI Affiliates or non-affiliated third parties. To join or subscribe to these specialized features or websites, you may be requested to submit your name, postal address and billing address (if different than delivery address), email address, age or year of birth, and/or gender. If a specialized feature or website is provided by both JCPG and a JCI Affiliate or third party, both entities will own and use your Personal Information consistent with their individual privacy policies.

We may also provide our users and/or members with the opportunity to weigh-in on local or national issues or share personal interests by participating in a survey or a questionnaire. We may collect your email address and other information related to the subject matter, such a politics, travel, sports, food, education, or medical information. Some surveys or questionnaires may also be anonymous, meaning you do not have to submit your name or email address.

Marketing Via Fax

We may send commercial advertising and promotional material via facsimile to various businesses that the Buyers Guide Group or the JCPG family of newspapers and publications have an existing business relationship with. We require affirmative consent from the recipients of a commercial fax or we will respond to an inquiry or invitation to send a commercial fax. We may also fax material that is primarily informational or transactional, however, such material is not deemed to be commercial and does not require either an existing business relationship or affirmative consent. You have a right to opt-out of any commercial fax by following the opt-out instructions on the Sites or on the first page of the fax.

Marketing Via Mobile Devices

We provide commercial marketing and advertising opportunities, contests/sweepstakes, and alerts for news, sports, and weather delivered via mobile devices. You must subscribe to a mobile service or request that we send such information to you via a text message or a wireless voice call. Depending on the type of mobile subscription service, you will be asked to submit your name, age or date of birth, mobile telephone number, and/or standard email address. We do not request submission of a wireless email address and if we collect such information inadvertently for a marketing or advertising opportunity, we will attempt to notify you and request a standard mobile telephone number that does not have a wireless domain name attached to it. You have a right to opt-out of any mobile service in the same manner in which you registered or by notifying our Privacy Administrator.

Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions

We conduct various contests, sweepstakes and promotions in our newspapers and publications, online and at remote locations. Certain contests, sweepstakes or promotions are only for subscribers or members of our various programs and features. Depending on the type of contests, sweepstakes or promotions, you will be required to submit your name, age or date of birth, gender, postal address and/or email address. Additional non-Personal Information may be requested depending on the nature of the activity and such information may be associated with your Personal Information. If the activity is conducted online, we do not knowingly collect the Personal Information from a person under the age of 13 and we will delete such information, to the extent technically possible, in the event we discover or have knowledge that a child has registered for an online contest, sweepstakes or other promotional activity. Persons that falsify their contest/sweepstakes entry for any reason will immediately forfeit any prize, benefit or compensation.

For all contests and sweepstakes, you may need to show state-issued identification to verify your identity and eligibility if you are selected to be a winner. If you win a prize valued at $600 or more, or have won in one calendar year prizes that are valued at $600 or more in the aggregate, you must also provide your social security number and complete the required IRS Form W-9 for federal tax reporting.

Contact Us

If you use our Sites email address hyperlink or telephone number to contact us, we may ask for your name, email address and/or telephone number. We will not ask for, nor should you send any sensitive or confidential Personal Information via email, such as social security number, credit card account number, or a driver's license number. If you receive an email requesting any such information from us or someone that claims they are with the JCPG, please contact our Privacy Administrator immediately. Click here.

Do not send any credit card account or other payment information via email, which is not secured. We are not responsible for any such Personal Information being transmitted via the Internet.

Our Sites may also enable you to submit Personal Information about other people. We may collect Personal Information about other people from you when you participate in various programs and features or when you submit news stories or nominations for community awards or recognition that involve other people. We generally use this Personal Information to process your request, submission or to investigate and report news stories.

We may also combine your Personal Information with information obtained from JCI Affiliates, our operational service providers or other companies.

Do we collect Personal Information from or about children?

We recognize the particular importance of protecting the privacy of children. We are committed to protecting children's privacy on the Internet and we comply fully with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We do not generally target children for our goods and services and do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13. If we discover that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Information to us that does not qualify for any regulatory, legal, or security/safety exemption as described below, or we are contacted by a verifiable parent or legal guardian about his or her child's participation on our Sites, we will delete the Personal Information about the child from our active records and from our systems to the extent technically feasible.

On occasion, our Sites may enable parents or legal guardians to submit information about their child under the age of 13 for purposes of participating in programs or features, such as a weather kids program and contests. In such instances, we only request the types of Personal Information necessary for participation in the program, which may include, but is not limited to, the parent's name and email address, child's name, age, city, and a photograph of the child. This information would be used only for purposes of the specific program or feature.

How do we passively collect and use information through tracking technology?

Our Sites passively collect certain kinds of information that reveal the frequency with which you visit our Sites, the times and dates of your visits, the pages you reviewed, and other information, including an Internet protocol (IP) address, which is series of numbers that identifies the computer you are using. Information is passively collected through various means. We use IP addresses to identify server problems, administer our Sites, compile aggregated statistics for marketing and research purposes, and to serve customized advertising or content to you based on your IP address' geographic location. We also use navigational data, including log files and click-stream data, to identify information about your web browser and operating system, and the time period in which you visit our Sites or select pages or areas of our Sites. This information is also used to improve our Sites content and is retained anonymously, meaning that it does not identify an individual user.

Our Sites use small text files called "cookies" that are sent to the hard drive of your computer to store bits of information related to your use of our Sites. Cookies can store a variety of information, including IP addresses, navigational data, server information, data transfer times, user preferences, shopping cart information and passwords needed to access our Sites. We may use cookies to serve customized advertising or content to you based on your submitted zip code, age, gender, or other demographics. You may configure your browser to reject cookies. If you do so, you might not be able to access important functions or enjoy certain conveniences or customized features of our Sites.

Our Sites may also use "Web beacons" to help personalize your experience, similarly to how we use cookies. We may also use Web beacons to gather non-Personal Information about the number of users who visit our Sites, the areas in which they spend their time visiting, and other demographic data.

We do not ordinarily combine passively collected Personal Information (as described above) with actively collected Personal Information. However, for the Sites's interactive features such as blogs, chat rooms and bulletin boards, we have the capability to correlate your comment with your IP address and account in the event you are in violation of the Sites's Terms of Use agreement or may be subject to a civil or criminal inquiry or investigation. We also reserve the right to introduce new passive tracking technologies and techniques.

Operational service providers, such as Yahoo!, use cookies and web beacons to help us display customized content and advertising based on your demographics (such as gender, age or city/state), Sites visits, searches and purchases. Yahoo! automatically collects information about your browser and computer, including your IP address, Yahoo!'s cookie information, software and hardware attributes, and the webpage that you request. Yahoo! does not disclose your Personal Information to an Advertiser or a third party marketer when you interact with or view a targeted ad. However, you may chose to accept the Advertiser's own cookie if you click or interact with an ad. Yahoo! may also combine Personal Information or non-personal information about you that it obtains from us, other business partners, and other companies.

Do we share your Personal Information with third parties?

Except as stated in this Privacy Policy or unless your consent is obtained at the time of collection or prior to transfer, your Personal Information will not be shared with any third party outside of JCI Affiliates and operational service providers. We will share your Personal Information with JCI and JCI Affiliates primarily for business and operational purposes and occasionally for promotional and marketing purposes.

We may sometimes offer promotions or contests that are sponsored by, co-sponsored or co-branded with either JCI Affiliates or non-affiliated third parties such as Advertisers, in which we will provide you notice that your Personal Information will be shared with these identified third parties for purposes of fulfilling contest prizes and delivering email and other direct marketing communications to you regarding special product offers, sales, promotions, or other information about these third parties' products and services that may be of interest to you. Please do not participate in a co-branded or co-sponsored promotion/contest if you do not wish to disclose your Personal Information with the third parties involved in such promotions/contests.

We will share your Personal Information and non-identifying and aggregate information with our operational service providers and JCI Affiliates, to help us serve you better and to perform functions on our behalf in order to support our business and operation of our Sites, features and activities, as necessary, including without limitation to provide online services, such as news, weather and traffic alerts; to provide shopping services and fulfill and process orders for products and services; to process credit card payments; to send communications to you; to facilitate promotional marketing campaigns; to facilitate advertisements on our Sites; to provide technical support services, and to host our Sites on third party servers.

We also reserve the right to disclose your Personal Information to protect the security of our Sites and databases; to protect ourselves and JCI Affiliates against liability and harm; to respond to subpoenas, judicial processes, or government requests and investigations; to act in respect of an emergency that threatens life, health or security of an individual; to assist in the investigation of a contravention of a law or our Sites's Terms and Conditions for Use; if we believe in good faith that the law requires it or authorizes it; or in connection with any proposed or actual purchase, sale, lease, merger, assignment, re-organization or financing of all or any portion of our Company or any of the business or assets or shares of our Company or JCI Affiliates thereof in order for you to continue to receive the same products and services.

We reserve the right to fully use, share, disclose and process any non-Personal Information collected via our Sites or offline.

What choices do you have about the collection, use and sharing of your Personal Information?

If you do not want to receive email and other direct marketing communications from us regarding special product offers, sales, promotions, or other information about JCI Affiliates or our Advertisers' products and services, you may choose to opt-out of receiving such communications from us by clicking on the unsubscribe links in certain email communications from us or by otherwise notifying our Privacy Administrator of your opt-out choice by using our contact information below.

If we plan to share your Personal Information directly with non-affiliated third parties such as Advertisers for purposes of delivering promotional or direct marketing materials directly to you or providing particular online services to you, you will be asked to provide your affirmative consent ("opt-in") first. If you have opted in to such use of your Personal Information, you may withdraw your consent at any time ("opt-out"), unless there are certain restrictions as stated in this Privacy Policy, Terms of Conditions of Use, Official Rules or are disclosed in advance. For withdrawal of your consent please contact us using our information below and we will take reasonable measures to avoid sharing your Personal Information in the future. However, please note that non-affiliated third parties are independent from us, and if you wish to stop all communications from such third parties, you will need to address such issues with the third parties directly.

What do you need to know about links to other websites operated by third parties?

Our Sites contains a variety of content and functionality and may provide links to other third party websites, including JCI Affiliate websites. Despite these linkages or any references to our business and Company at those websites, this Privacy Policy applies only to our Company. This Privacy Policy does not apply to other portions of our internal network or to any external websites. Please note that you are solely responsible for your interactions with external websites and third parties to which our Sites provides you access, such as by clicking on a link. The presence of a link to a third party website does not constitute or imply our endorsement, recommendation, or sponsorship of the third party content, goods, services available through, or contained on, the website or the third party's business or privacy practices. By use of our Sites, you have agreed that you will use the hyperlinks to third party websites at your own risk.

How can you access, update or delete your Personal Information?

If you wish to update or correct any Personal Information you have previously provided to us, you may enter your username and password and access your account via the Sites, or contact us by using our contact information below. You may also request to remove your Personal Information from our Company records to the extent technically feasible, electronic or otherwise, however, certain records and Personal Information must be retained for tax or regulatory purposes. Additionally, our network system may not allow the deletion of all Personal Information. If we are not able to purge all Personal Information, we can remove such data from an active field or folder. We will update your Personal Information where appropriate, and we reserve the right to retain Personal Information obtained previously to verify your identity or take other actions that we believe are appropriate.

We also reserve the right to deny access to any user if we believe there is a question about your identity. And if the burden or expense of providing access to your Personal Information is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy, or if the legitimate rights of others would be violated, we may decide not to provide access to such information. In such cases, we will provide to you an explanation of why access cannot be provided and a contact person for further inquiries.

What security measures do we take to safeguard your Personal Information?

The security and confidentiality of your Personal Information is important to us. We maintain reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect your Personal Information. If we collect Sensitive Personal Information such as credit or debit card account numbers, we will do so using an industry-standard secured transmission process. However, no security measures are impenetrable, and transmissions over the Internet are never 100% secure or error-free. As a result, we do not, and cannot, guarantee the security of any Personal Information but we will take reasonable measures.

Also, it is your responsibility to safeguard any username or password that you may have received in connection with our Sites, and to notify us if you ever suspect that the security and confidentiality of your username or password and associated account has been compromised in any way. You are solely responsible for any use of our Sites via


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