Radon is a naturally occurring, odorless radioactive gas that is present in the ground. Radon comes from the natural breakdown or uranium in soil, rock and water and can enter into the air you breathe. Both old and new homes can be susceptible to radon. Between five and ten percent of the homes in Wisconsin have radon level above the US EPA guidelines.
The only way to know the radon level in your home is to test it. “We live in a region with naturally high radon levels, therefore everyone should test their home,” stated Ed Newburry, Environmental Health Specialist, Lincoln County Health Department. Radon concentrations can be measured with a simple, inexpensive test kit available a hardware stores and Lincoln County Health Department.
Radon can be controlled in any home once concentrations are tested. More than 60 radon mitigation contractors in Wisconsin are nationally certified to install radon control systems if your home has an elevated level of radon. Thousands of systems are installed in existing homes in Wisconsin each year. New construction should include features recommended by the National Association of Home Builders to reduce radon entry into your home.
Radon test kits can be purchased at the Lincoln County Health Department, 607 N. Sales St., Merrill, from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The cost for a short term radon kit is $8 and long term kits are $18.75. If you have any questions or would like more information on radon, please call Ed Newburry or Meghan Young at the Lincoln County Health Department, 715-536-0307 or the Northern Wisconsin Radon Information Center toll-free at 1-888-569-7236 (LOW- RADON).
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