Why Did He Do It?
It happened again and the nation responds in shock and grief. Twenty-seven bodies, mostly young children, lie cold and lifeless due to a gunman's rampage.
Stricter gun control or greater security at the nation's schools are promoted by many. Before we get embroiled in those issues, let's ask a few more fundamental questions.
Why would anyone do such a senseless and cruel act? Without Christ in control of our life, God says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9). When our wicked heart is fed a diet of wickedness, we can expect catastrophic evils.
Having just returned on a long international fight to America, I was appalled at the movies the young man ahead of me was watching for hours. Every time I glanced up, there it was: a gunman opening fire, creating mass hysteria, people fleeing, many falling over dead. I could hardly restrain the urge to get up, walk forward, and tell the young man, "Please stop watching such horrific evil." The all too common retort, "It's my life to live; mind your own business," kept me in my seat.
This nation keeps building more and more prisons. Many of the inmates with life sentences were simply acting out what they watched on violent movies.
Why does a nation allow the production and airing of evils that violate God's Laws and even civil laws? Because that is what the populace wants. The Bible says, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall reap life everlasting." (Gal. 6:7-8). Watching evil is planting seeds and seeds produce a harvest.
The Prophet Hosea says, "For they have sown to the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind." (Hosea 8:7a).
Ancient Rome, a world power for many years, built a massive coliseum. Over one hundred thousand people gathered at regular times to watch gladiators with man and beast. Thousands of Christians were martyred there. This produced a blood-thirsty society that destroyed the moral fabric of the nation; and brought God's judgment upon them. The Roman Empire fell 476 A.D.
America has banned the Ten Commandments from being displayed in public squares. The Bible and prayer have been abolished from public schools. Terminating the lives of the unborn has been legalized. God's Laws regarding marriage are being openly challenged. Is there hope? The remedy is not attained by blaming the government. As individuals, we must take personal responsibility to do what God says. "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes." (Psalms 101:3). "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, said the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall by my sons and daughters, said the Lord Almighty." (2Cor. 6:17-18).
Join with us as individuals or congregations to take God's Word seriously and obey it. It will make a difference.
J. Luke Martin
Gleason Mennonite Church
Letter to the Editor:
I was elected to the MAPS District Board of Education almost 6 years ago. When elected to a second term 3 years ago I thanked voters for their support and declared at that time my belief in term limits, and that I would not run again.
Our district has gone through some turmoil the last year and a half. This has brought comments from many voters in the district to ask me to reconsider and run again. I appreciate that sort of support and have discussed this issue with my wife, who tells me she gets numerous folks asking her to relay their requests for me to run again. After hashing it over together we have decided it would be okay to do so just this one time. I have filed my papers to do so. The district is at a critical point where some stability is called for. Generally when there are 3 new members coming in it slows progress enough that it could be a detriment to the district. This is the main reason I decided to run again and serve the Merrill School District.
Lin Kautza decided to run again, Meridith Prebeg for family reasons has decided not to run again. Her kids are of the age where she needs to be available to support them at school functions more than before. Hopefully with the support of the voters of the district one more time we can make transition to the next Board of Education smooth with the least amount of bumps. I appreciate voter support in the past. I try to make decisions that are best for the whole district from the smallest to the largest.
Because of my highly verbal declaration on term limits I felt I needed to explain why I chose to run for a third term. I hope I can rely on the same support you voters have given before to allow me to serve you one more term.
Thank you for your past support and your time.
Chuck Bolder
I am writing a letter of thanks to some very special people in Merrill. There is a business that is very family oriented and caring. Their service goes above and beyond.
When we were looking for some place to make my dad's final arrangements, I knew from getting to know Paul Waid that there was only one place for us to go. From the time we made the arrangements , to the funeral, and continuing for over a year after my dad passed, to as recently as a few weeks ago, Waid Funeral Home and the staff has been so kind, thoughtful and considerate. They have made us all feel like they care and like we are a part of the family there. From the items we received at the funeral to the books and cards in the mail, the service from Paul and the staff at Waid is phenomenal. We want to personally thank every one of them for making our experience a pleasant and memorable one. Everything you have done will never be forgotten. Thank you for being a special part of what is usually a sad time. You made it much more bearable. May your business be blessed even more for your giving, kindness, and care that you extend to the family members who are left behind. You have blessed our family for over a year and we are grateful.
Liz Neumann and Family
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