Letters to the Editor

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Merrill Foto News, its publishers, Editor, or staff.

Editor’s note: We were unable to fit this first letter in the edition prior to Veteran’s Day; however, we decided to run it after the date, because it is never too late to remember the experiences veterans have endured, to support a veterans’ organization, or to appreciate a veteran or thank a veteran for their service.

To the Editor:
I want everyone to understand … [and] … think about all the sacrifices made by all veterans, of all wars.
I take this opportunity now, to remind everyone what Veterans Day means to veterans and to many other Americans: Veterans Day is a day to remember and honor all veterans, especially all those in service who gave up their lives in battle in order to secure or preserve the freedoms of other Americans. Veterans Day is a day to remember and honor all those Americans in service who, after prolonged inhumane and agonizingly painful mistreatment, died in prisoner of war camps, or those who miraculously survived those camps. Veterans Day is a day to remember and honor all veterans who spent months or years in hospitals recovering from the wounds of war, both physical and emotional. Veterans Day is a day to remember and honor all those veterans who cannot shake the agony of war, and who suffer from soul-seared mental scars, indelibly mind-etched by the ravaging experiences of combat. Veterans Day is a day to remember and honor those veterans who got behind in their schooling or employment because of time spent in military conflicts. Veterans Day is a day to remember and honor all those Americans who lost a grandfather or a grandmother, father or mother, husband or wife, son or daughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law, grandson or granddaughter, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, cousin, niece or nephew, betrothed one, friend, fellow veteran or SANITY … to war!

– Joseph R. Plummer
United States Air Force, Vietnam 1967-1968
Merrill, Wis.

To the Editor:
Again we read yet another news article of give and take between the City Administrator and an official. It occurs me to me that these continued scurrilous, (just so my meaning is clear: humorously insulting and negative), interchanges would not be tolerated in the private sector. Rather it would be given serious scrutiny as to whether it is the fault of the process or the people involved. If there is found to be no resolution to the continuing conflicts, then the source is changed or removed. I realize political entities operate on a different plane than the business world operates. Maybe it should just so we don’t have to read about professional people acting like middle-schoolers. Just saying!

– Charlene Seetan
Merrill, Wis.

To the Editor:
It’s been over a year since the elections and I believe there is one thing we can finally all agree on; Elections DO have consequences! That holds true for national, state and local elections. And all I can say is if you don’t like what you see, you’d better be willing to step up and take action now, before we no longer have that liberty.
We are witnessing excessive borrowing and spending, government overreach, the indoctrination of our children and the deliberate destruction of our families. We have had our constitutional rights infringed upon at every level through unlawful mandates all in the name of “safety.”
Most people say “I don’t like politics; it’s too nasty for me.” Well, it’s time to wake up people. If you don’t like politics, I can guarantee you will not like what those who do choose to impose upon you. Like it or not, politics impacts every aspect of our lives and without good, honest, God-fearing people willing to step in and hold politicians accountable, things will only get worse.
2022 elections are right around the corner for city council, mayor, school board, and county board, not to mention national, state, and regional positions. To sit by and hope that someone else will do the dirty work for us would be a shameful,ignominiousdecision in every sense of the word. We must get actively involved. We must do better than we have with previous choices before it’s too late!

– LaDonna Fermanich
Merrill, Wis.

*Letters must be 250 words or less (There will be no exceptions to this. Any letter longer than 250 words will not be printed.)
*All letters must include full name, address and phone number of the composer. Phone numbers and addresses will not be published, but will be used for verification purposes, if necessary.
*Letters will be published at the discretion of the Editor. While letters on most any topic will be published, any letters deemed derogatory, inflammatory, slanderous, or involving vulgar language, will not be published.
*Letters will be published on a “first come, first served” basis. Any letters which we are unable to publish in the printed newspaper will be run online at www.merrillfotonews.com and may be printed in the paper at a later date if possible.

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