Movie Reviews


Free Guy (Showing in theatres)
Rated a PG-13 – For language, violence, and adult themes.
After over a year on hiatus due to the dread virus, Free Guy at long last has hit the cinemas, and I am here to tell you it was well worth the wait.
Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) is Guy, a simple fellow that has his morning routine: wake up, say hello to his goldfish, have breakfast while watching the news (which, for the record, is hysterical, so pay attention to the newscasters), then he heads off to work at the bank, stopping to get the same cup of coffee every morning to start his day.
His day consists of being robbed by “the sunglasses people” multiple times a day and watching as people are assaulted and robbed all around him, which is his normal day.
You see, Guy is a video game character and has no idea that he is. He has a full life – a best friend, a longing for love, and is hysterically oblivious that the chaos around him is not normal, until the day he spots Millie (Jodie Comer from Killing Eve) and puts on a pair of sunglasses.
From there, Free Guy takes off like a rocket. This is a funny film – very funny! Mary, my ever-patient wife, and I howled out loud throughout this movie, as did the others in the theatre with us. While overtly funny throughout, pay attention to the one liners and throw away quips that are all through this film; they are hysterical. And for those of you with highly attuned hearing, there are many, many stars that lend their voice talents all through this film, and there are even a couple of cameos that will make you laugh out loud. And the interaction between a gamer and his mother had me laughing so hard it hurt.
But at the heart of this is Guy. His determination to break the norm and be the “good guy” is refreshing and feels honest as well as funny.
Free Guy gets five out of five stars because it’s just that funny, and I am here to tell you, the 1 hour 52-minute runtime goes by faster than it takes to wipe the tears of laughter from your eyes.

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