Letters to the Editor

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Merrill Foto News, its publishers, Editor, or staff.

To the Editor:
I am writing to you in regards to Ascension wanting to bulldoze the historic home of Merrill’s founding father.
I feel history can be destroyed, but there will always be a history. If it be a marriage or a divorce, a birth or a death. We, or someone, will always remember!!!
I remember lots and lots of things. I reamember all the ones that have died and gone before me. I remember births.
I remember my phone number when I was a little girl. 2045 Four rings

– Darlene Welrick
Gleason, WI

To the Editor:
Town of Merrill Chairman
While a lot of you people in the Town of Merrill don’t know, our Town Chairman is at the end of his term. Mike Matuzak was a good Supervisor and Chairman always looking after your tax dollars for the last 16 years. He was part of the new Town Hall, getting our own plow trucks so our snow was plowed in one day, not three. He was part of fire contracts and our dump contracts and recycling contracts to name a few. Mike has also gotten grant money for roads and projects. Making few dollars go a long ways Mike was good at. Mike runs the Strawberry Farm out on 107. If you see him, thank him or just give him a call. A job well done, Mike.

– Larry Simon, Town of Merrill Supervisor
Merrill, WI

To the Editor:
Judge Greg Gill Jr. is a candidate for the Wisconsin District III Court Of Appeals in the April 6, 2021, general election. District 3 is comprised of 35 northern, western, and eastern counties of the state including Lincoln County and the neighboring counties of Langlade, Marathon, Taylor, and Price.
Judge Gill identifies himself as a judicial conservative, committed to interpreting laws as they are written by legislators and their constitutionality. His experiences include and are not limited to serving nine years as a Circuit Court Judge. He has also been a law clerk for a Federal District Court and a partner in his family law firm. He is a devoted family man with deep roots in his community and enjoys hunting, fishing, and sports.
In these disturbing and uncertain times, we need a sound and stable court system, a judge who will protect our freedoms, support and stand by the rules of the law. I feel that Judge Gill possesses the character and working knowledge to make fair and impartial decisions and not legislate from the bench.
Please vote to elect Judge Greg Gill Jr. to the District III Court of Appeals on April 6, 2021.

– Barbara Kraetsch
Merrill, WI

Thank you Tomahawk School District School Board for updating your school policy to include e-cigarettes and vaping. The policy updates language and definitions to more clearly establish a tobacco-free environment. It is important for the school tobacco-free policies to be as inclusive as possible since tobacco products now come in so many different shapes and sizes, many of which are flavored to appeal to young people.
As a parent of an alumni and a neighbor to students currently in school, I am glad the Tomahawk School District made these changes. We know that tobacco comes in other forms that don’t fit the typical tobacco label, and we hear about students sneaking products in the classroom because teachers can’t always easily identify them, such as vapes that look like flash drives, watches, pens, and makeup compacts.
It is more important than ever for influential adults in young peoples’ lives to support them in quitting all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to protect their health. It is important to consider that using punitive measures like suspension and expulsion to penalize student violations of a school tobacco policy are not always effective. Effective school policies attempt to address the underlying addiction to nicotine instead of purely punitive measures. There are alternative measures that are more supportive of quitting. The schools are able to enroll students in classes for health education and in turn knowledge to make healthier choices.

– Judy Sargent, RN
Ln. Co. Health Dept., Public Health Nurse
Northwoods Tobacco Free Coalition Member

*Letters must be 250 words or less (There will be no exceptions to this. Any letter longer than 250 words will not be printed.)
*All letters must include full name, address and phone number of the composer. Phone numbers and addresses will not be published, but will be used for verification purposes, if necessary.
*Letters will be published at the discretion of the Editor. While letters on most any topic will be published, any letters deemed derogatory, inflammatory, slanderous, or involving vulgar language, will not be published.
*Letters will be published on a “first come, first served” basis. Any letters which we are unable to publish in the printed newspaper will be run online at www.merrillfotonews.com and may be printed in the paper at a later date if possible.

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