New courses provide new opportunities for Merrill students

The 2019-2020 school year will bring many exciting new opportunities for the students of Merrill High School in the form of various new courses and programs.

Merrill High School (MHS), using input from local employers, colleges, parents and students, and through the valuable work of many citizens through the MAPS Community Conversations process, continues to focus on the mission of getting every student college and career ready. The new courses and programs available to students next year represent the next step in that process.

Offerings that students will be able to take advantage of next year include a significant expansion in the MHS computer science program with the addition of Computer Science Principles and Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Principles. In addition, courses such as Introduction to Digital Photography, Building Construction 2, Agribusiness Management, and Electronics and Electricity 2 will help provide additional career readiness experiences for our students.

Manufacturing continues to be a focus area for MHS and students will have new opportunities in this area as well next year. A second-year course in fabrication innovations exposes students to more advanced manufacturing design concepts and lets students take advantage of the outstanding technology that the Merrill community made available to them through the new MHS Fab Lab.

A second course, called Bluejay Design and Manufacturing, gives students opportunities to gain meaningful manufacturing and business experience by having them engage in real world projects in which students market, design, create and bill local customers for various manufacturing projects. These two courses represent a significant enhancement to the manufacturing area of the MHS Technology Education department and are a direct result of discussions with local manufacturers and employers.

College readiness remains a focus at MHS as well. New courses in Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry, AP United States History, Trigonometry, and College Algebra give students additional opportunities to pursue rigorous college prep courses and earn college credits while enrolled in high school.

“Merrill High School is excited to be able to offer these courses to the students in our community and value the input received by local stakeholders to help guide the overall programming at MHS,” said Principal Shannon Murray. “These collaborative efforts benefit the students in the Merrill area and support the MHS mission of Every Student Ready for Life.”

The MHS course description booklet, located in the student services section of the MHS homepage, clearly identifies institutional partnerships and career pathways.

“The fluid nature of our course offerings, culminating in the annual course description booklet, validates the ability of our organization to adapt to both educational trends and community needs,” stated Director of Curriculum Gerald Beyer. “MAPS encourages families to review course offerings and engage in the academic and career planning process. Both the school community and families share a common purpose, aligning student strengths, goals, and interests with relevant coursework. Working collaboratively always provides the best system of checks and balances for student guidance.”

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