Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church celebrates 125 years of history and traditions

On Aug. 21 and 22, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of Merrill will be celebrating 125 years of history rich in traditions, fellowship and faithfulness. The church was chartered in 1885 as The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church. In 1904 services were switched from Norwegian to English and a building site was purchased on the corner of Logan and Second streets. As the church grew in members and services offered, a new building was erected on the corner of Logan and Third streets in 1966. The new building contains several of the beautiful stained glass windows and sanctuary furniture from the original building.

Still known to some as the Norwegian Church, Our Saviour’s is proud of its heritage and traditions. A Lutefisk Dinner has been enjoyed by many throughout the region for 101 years. Youth have always been an important part of the ministry and the youth program continues to flourish under the direction of Youth Director Jamie Diestelhorst. Our Saviour’s is known as a church that opens its doors to the community and welcomes all those in need of spiritual services.

Our Saviour’s is currently served by Interim Pastor Beth Macha and Associate Pastor Jeff Martinson. Jean Monti had served as secretary for the past 27 years.

The 125 Anniversary Celebration will include a 4:30 p.m. service on Saturday, Aug. 21 with a focus on church history followed by a reception in the church library. On Sunday, Aug. 22. A service at 9 a.m. will include special choir numbers along with the church history. A reception and pot luck dinner will follow. Former pastors and seminary students have been invited to attend, including Pastors Jacobson, Henning, Olson, Anderson, Gulhaugen, Ertl, Mann and Strasman, and the families of Pastors Bretheim and Quail. Community members with an interest in Our Saviour’s are welcome to attend.

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