Brooke’s School of Dance presents Merry Old Land of Oz


Toto, Dorothy, and the Good Witch. Tina L. Scott photo.

Brooke’s School of Dance presented their annual show on Saturday, May 13, and Sunday, May 14, 2023, with five performances held in the Merrill High School auditorium. This year’s presentation, titled “Merry Old Land of Oz” revisited the classic, The Wizard of Oz, and featured Dorothy, Toto, and the Good Witch as primary characters, along with munchkins, witches, Toto’s pups, and a wide host of characters that brought the story to life in creative form.
Strobe, fog, and lighting effects, along with sound effects and music, made for entertaining dance performances that sometimes highlighted and other times combined ballet, tap, hip hop, jazz, and lyrical dance and dance elements. Dancers from toddlers through young adults performed on stage.
At the close of the show, studio owner Brooke Burton officially announced the studio will be moving to a new, bigger location, currently under renovation, on West Main Street in Merrill.

Tina L. Scott photo.

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