Merrill Girls Varsity Tennis Team celebrates Senior Night, focuses on positives


Merrill’s Sarah Rell playing a match in Marshfield on Sept 22. Tammy Cohrs photo.

On Thursday, September 22, 2022, Marshfield Girls came to Merrill for a match-up on the tennis courts, and the Merrill Girls Varsity Tennis Team celebrated their lone Senior. “We celebrated Senior night,” Merrill Girls Tennis Coach Brad Barton said. “Lauren [Cohrs] was the only Senior this year.”
“Lauren Cohrs fought ‘til the end in her close three-set loss tonight,” he said, speaking of the team’s one Senior player and her competitive play out on the court. Cohrs won one of her sets against Isabel Krueger of Marshfield but wasn’t able to put up the points for a win in the third set.
“Sarah Rell played like she did earlier this year,” Barton added. “It was nice to see her elevate her game.”
Singles results:
No. 1 – Isabel Krueger, Marshfield defeated Lauren Cohrs, Merrill, 1-6 , 6-4 , 6-2 ;
No. 2 – Lucy Luedtke, Marshfield defeated Sarah Rell, Merrill, 7-5 , 6-0 , -;
No. 3 – Sonia Dissanayaka, Marshfield defeated Chloe Belant, Merrill, 6-0 , 6-0 , -;
No. 4 – Payton Koran, Marshfield defeated Madisin Jacobs, Merrill, 6-0 , 6-1 , -;
Merrill forfeited the three doubles matches due to not having doubles teams to play.
Box Score:
Marshfield 7 @ Merrill 0

Tuesday, Sept. 20, brought the DC Everest Girls Tennis Team to the Merrill courts, and Barton stressed the positive outcomes for the Merrill Girls from the match:
“Lauren Cohrs put up a valiant effort in a three-set loss,” he said. Cohrs started off strong with a win in her first set but ended up scoreless in the second, and then lost the face-off in the third to give DC Everest’s Nina Allen the win.
“Emily Frahm won our only match between all of Varsity and Junior Varsity,” the Coach added.
Despite scores that might suggest otherwise, the Merrill Girls Tennis Team is working its way up to something better. “It has been a good rebuilding year,” Barton said. “The girls are learning not only what it takes in sports to make it, but hopefully applying what they are learning in their everyday lives.”
Singles results:
No. 1 – Nina Allen, DC Everest defeated Lauren Cohrs, Merrill, 3-6 , 6-0 , 6-2 ;
No. 2 – Kyra Loomans, DC Everest defeated Sarah Rell, Merrill, 6-1 , 6-0 , -;
No. 3 – Nya Harrington, DC Everest defeated Chloe Belant, Merrill, 6-2 , 6-2 , -;
No. 4 – Lola Harrington, DC Everest defeated Madisin Jacobs, Merrill, 6-4 , 6-1 , -;
Merrill forfeited the three doubles matches due to not having doubles teams to play.
Box Score:
DC Everest 7 @ Merrill 0

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