Hanging Flower Basket project kicks off for 2015

The Hanging Flower Basket Committee kicks off their annual fund drive on March 1, and anticipate streets lined with flowers instead of snow banks. The project begins its eighth season and as in the past, will hang beautiful baskets of wave petunias on light poles around the city. This year there will be 126 baskets of suspended from 63 poles on the streets of Merrill. Since this is a community project, it depends on the generosity of community members as well as the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce, Park and Recreation Department and Merrill Street Department.
Donations to the project remain the same as previous years. A pole donation is $100 and consists of two baskets, while a single basket donation will be $60. Contributions to this beautification effort are critical to continuing the project, since the committee relies on community support to fund the project. If you, your organization or business wish to donate, contribution forms will be found on posters at Johnson’s Gifts, First Street Coffee Station, Blooming Wishes or Merrill Chamber of Commerce. Grocery bag stuffers will also be used as part of the fund raising campaign.
An additional expense is payment of a person to water the flowers on weekends, since the flowers must be watered seven days a week.
Members of the committee are: Helene Ader (chair), Jack Ader, Marty Anderson, Sharon Anderson, Ginny Drew, Carla Moore, Jane ann Savaske and Marilyn Wright. The committee is grateful to the community for the support Merrill has shown in past years and are hoping for another successful year.


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