MHS fall play ?Meet the Creeps? a wickedly funny good time

Merrill High School students have been working hard on the 2010 Fall Play since the beginning of the school year. With a cast of creepy, kooky characters, unique costuming, and a set that helps bring it all to life, “Meet the Creeps” is a play that is a good time for audiences of all ages.
Niece Sally Creeps claims her family to be “an average American family living in average American town, nothing special.” The neighbors in the town of Edible Falls would be quick to disagree.
There’s Sinbad, head of the bunch, his beloved wife, Tarantula, and Sally, their teenage niece. Lullaby Jones is their gorgeous maid, and their butler resembles a Billy goat!
Unfortunately for the Creeps, Flora Limetree, a local society dragon, hates them. Each year Flora enters Pilgrim Road in the All-American Street Contest, and every year the lane loses. She blames the Creeps and their rundown house for these losses.
Scheming with her nephew, she has the town limits redrawn, and the Creeps find themselves outsiders. To complicate matters, Prince Un Ravel arrives from Egypt as a house guest. A weird boarder falls in love with Sinbad’s grandmother who is raising crocodiles in the dungeon.
Could you ask for more? Well, there’s a talking clock, a ghostly portrait, an ancient telephone operator and Scooter, a neighbor kid who turns the plot inside out and back again. Eventually the Creeps are back where they belong and, thanks to them, Pilgrim Road wins the contest.
Performances will run Thursday through Saturday, November 4, 5, and 6 at the Merrill High School Auditorium. Tickets are available at the door before each performance and at Courtside Furniture in advance. Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 students and seniors. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. each night.

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