The North Central Wisconsin Mutual Admiration Society will present Reunion Jam II on Saturday, Sept. 25, at Ballyhoos Brew & Chew in Merrill. The show will benefit the Merrill Food Pantry and St. Vincent de Paul Community Care Center.
This year’s Reunion Jam will feature the bands Sundog, The Javelins, Hammer, Stoned Pig, Winchester Hayes, Clean Cutz Revenge, and Ian and The Ancients. An open jam will be held at midnight.
Among the Merrill hometown musical legends expected to perform are Michael Redmond, Keras Rubka-Nimz, Ron Moser, Allan Ruprecht, Andy Ament, Ken Olson, Chris Hale, Pat Bares, Jayme Fehr, Mark Mittlesteadt, Darin Gillie, Rich Grenfell, James Taunton, Jeff Jankowski and many others.
Music will begin at 7 p.m. Admission is $2 or one non-perishable food item. All proceeds go to the food pantry and St. Vincent de Paul.
Rubka-Nimz stressed the need to help those who have fallen on hard times in the current economic environment.
“So we’ve taken it on ourselves, we musicians, to do our bit for the cause,” he said. “This is not supposed to be ‘Live Aid,’ a nationwide movement or some such thing.
We’re not trying to feed the world, just the family next door! I hope that we can make a pleasant evening with some good music and fun as well as serve this higher cause.”