Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor:

Regarding the issue of sexual development, i.e. sexual education, in the schools, one important factor that has not been addressed is whether the school system is prepared, able to provide moral, ethical, spiritual, religious principles on which to build one’s sexuality.

It seems the only issue being tossed around is whether or not children should have information about STDs and contraception. This is putting the horse before the cart.

It is my right and responsibility to guide, teach and help my children come to full adulthood. But, to teach then the mechanics of sex and contraception is equal to showing them how a car works, giving them the keys and saying, “drive, just do it safely.” This is absurd.

Until the school system and whomever else may have an interest in teaching my children how to handle their sexuality shares my love, concern and pain with mistakes they may make – until they are able to impress upon them that sexuality is an awesome powerful gift, given by God. With it comes not only the physical responsibilities of the body, but the potential for deep emotional pain and brokenness of spirit.

Indeed sexuality in its whole is powerful, cementing a man and woman’s commitment and love.

As is with any powerful tool it has the potential to destroy. There are worse things than unplanned pregnancy and disease, such as damaged emotions, warped view of sex, shame, guilt, inability to bond, trust and ultimately love.

Until you are as concerned with my child as a spiritual being with emotions and you share my values and knowledge gained from failures and victories – until God gives you the responsibility and accountability He has given me as a parent – please stay out of my way.


Melba Guzik


Citizens of Lincoln County,

This is in response to the recent letters to the editor in reference to the sheriff election.

I remember the Sheriff’s Department prior to Jeff Jaeger’s term. During this time I saw the sheriff in public out meeting and greeting people. He instilled the feelings of comfort and trust. I haven’t seen the sheriff other than in the news or driving to and from work these days. Sure he has accomplished creating a mission statement, core values and maintained a DARE program. But does that really take four years. I would like to think there would be more accomplished. Where are the preventative crime programs? Where are the community relations? I have known Dave Kirmsse for some time now and feel he would be a great asset to the community. He has the right ideas and displays the passion and sincerity needed to make it happen. I have talked with him and suggest that if you have questions you do the same. He has refused a raise if elected and wants to put the money back into the community. He has continued with his education and seems very goal oriented. Maybe if the Sheriff’s Department had more of a proactive response there would be a reduction in crime and not just an increase in arrests. I have no doubt that Dave Kirmsse would have the same or similar stand against the war on drugs. With Dave Kirmsse’s background in community relations programs this would make the army much larger and more successful. I am in full support of Dave Kirmsse and I ask you fellow citizens to make the right choice for your community. He is the “Real Deal.”

Cathy Kufahl


Dear Editor:

We feel compelled to respond to Brad Becker’s letter in the Aug. 18 Foto News. When Sam Darduk and his family moved to Merrill, he established a business in a building which had been sitting abandoned for over 10 years. After having been vacant for so long, this northside building needed major renovations to make it usable. Sam worked very hard to do so, and continues to work hard to keep his business Grecian Delight going. Sam and his family are hard-working, generous and kind contributors to the community.

I saddens us that a few in this community have not always treated him so well. It is not our intent to argue point by point each accusation made which we know to be untrue about Sam. We do feel it is important that this community know of two incidents which recently occurred. The Darduks had a contract ti vend at the Lincoln County Fair for a number of years until the contract was denied for reasons that have never been clear. Because Sam was not given a contract to vend at this year’s fair, he asked the Armory if he could set up his food stand on their property. They agreed, and Sam paid a fee, provided proof of insurance, and signed a contract with the state office in Madison. The first day of the fair, July 14, members of the Fair Board erected a fence effectively blocking fairgoers from reaching his stand. This was blatantly illegal and their attorney advised them to immediately remove the fence. Around the same time on Wednesday, Lincoln County Sheriff dispatch received a call claiming Sam Darduk had a bomb in his stand and had threatened to use it. Sam and his entire family, including his young children were at their stand when the police arrived to investigate. Sam and his wife Fatmeh were shocked and saddened by this false accusation. According to the police report Sam was very cooperative and nothing was discovered.

There can be no excuse for such harassment. Sam and his family have shown friendship to our community and we would hope the same would be done for them.

Capt. Larry Bergmann, Sr. Celine Goessl. Irene & Mark Mehlos, Adair & Jim Lewis, Susanna & Paul Gilk, Diana & Bob Smith, Susan Hass, Judy Woller, Bob Polesnak, Al Crevier, Carol Wendorf, Jody Renaud

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