The following are categorical winners of the 2010 City of Merrill Parks & Recreation Department – Labor Day Parade:
Old Machinery: 1st Place, Ken Tesch.
Organization: 1st Place, Friends of Tug Lake; 2nd Place, Eagles Club; 3rd Place, Friends of the Airport.
Old Cars: 1st Place:, Sue’s Edge Tap; 2nd Place, Nicklaus Cars; 3rd Place, Pine Grove – Roy & Dorothy Golisch 1948 Crosley.
Unions: 1st Place, Operating Engineers 139; 2nd Place, IAM Local 2362.
Youth Groups: 1st Place, St. Johns Boy Scout Troop 599; 2nd Place, Merrill Cheer Team; 3rd Place, Girl Scouts.
Horses: 1st Place, Bull Falls Brewery; 2nd Place, Covered Wagon; 3rd Place, Busy Bees.
Comic: 1st Place, Helene’s Hilltop Orchard; 2nd Place, Ed & Sharon’s; 3rd Place, John Kilgust.
Bands: 1st Place, MHS Band; 2nd Place, Merrill City Band.
Business/Industry: 1st Place, Rib River Ballroom; 2nd Place, Merrill Karate Club; 3rd Place, Phil Zastrow & Sons.