A planned remodel of the Lincoln County Courthouse will require all court-related offices to temporarily relocate to the Lincoln County Service Center located at 801 North Sales St., Merrill.
The temporary relocation is anticipated to last from Aug. 2, 2010 until the end of construction and remodeling, now anticipated to be approximately eight months in duration.
Beginning Monday, Aug. 2, the following offices will be located at the Lincoln County Service Center, about one mile northeast of the courthouse: Clerk of Courts, Register in Probate, District Attorney and the courtrooms and chambers of Judge Jay Tlusty (Branch 1) and Judge Glenn Hartley (Branch 2).
The move means that, as of Aug. 2, all court appearances, hearings, motions and trials in the court will be heard in the temporary courtrooms at the Lincoln County Service Cen ter, 801 North Sales St. All jury trials will need to be relocated to courthouses in neighboring counties for the duration of the remodeling project. Whenever possible, jury trials will be heard in Marathon County and moved further away if necessary. Proper notice will be sent well in advance for all relocated jury trials.
On Friday, July 30, the last day in the courthouse, the Clerk of Courts Office will be in the process of relocating but still available to take new filings at the courthouse, 1110 East Main St. Other limited court services will be available that Friday, but some court service requests may need to be postponed until the Clerk of Courts Office is fully functioning at the Lincoln County Service Center on Monday, Aug. 2.
If the project goes according to plan, the courts and support offices will be back in the expanded and renovated courthouse by March 1, 2011.-