Merrill Memorial Park offers remembrance tree

Merrill Memorial Park will again have the Christmas ribbon of remembrance tree at the cemetery office. If you have a loved one who passed away in 2013, a ribbon with that person’s name can be placed on the tree. This includes local deaths and deaths outside the Merrill area.
There is no charge for this and a ribbon can be placed on the tree simply by calling Merrill Memorial Park at 715-536-2297, or by stopping at the office of Merrill Memorial Park.
You are also invited to stop at the cemetery to see the ribbon on the tree.
With is in mind, Merrill Memorial Park has an adopt-a-stone program. There are many unmarked graves in the cemetery, mostly infants. For a donation of $100, a marker can be placed on a grave selected by the donor.
Merrill Memorial Park has a list of unmarked graves. The $100 reflects the cost of the marker and is not a not-for-profit program. At the time of year when we count our blessings for all that we have, the purchase of a memorial marker for the less fortunate buried at Merrill Memorial Park would be a fitting tribute.

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